Wednesday, January 25, 2012


We all have a voice. Even if we choose to use it or not. It's there. When we use our voice, it can be for two reasons: To speak your heart or to speak the world. The first one is self-explanatory. You can speak what you feel is right by speaking your heart. Now, the second one, let me explain.
As humans, we look for acceptance. We search for it from people by the clothes we wear, the things we do, the way we act, and the things we say... And even sometimes, by the things we don't say. When searching for acceptance, we have the tendency to silence our own voices and mimic the voices of others. We cuss, speak inappropriately, and sometimes... we let the offensive actions of others slip by us in fear of rejection.
I'm writing today's blog because I'm guilty of it. I am guilty of "pleading the fifth" when I should have spoken up. I am guilty of cursing and talking inappropriately. I am guilty of searching for that acceptance of the world that is so hard to find these days. Most importantly-- I'm guilty of being a hypocrite.
You may think calling myself a hypocrite is pushing the boundary, but it's true. I am for sure a hypocrite. By speaking of the world, I never speak my heart. You may think that's understandable, well look deeper into the meaning of "speaking your heart".
In my first blog, I talked about how we are the brides of Christ. I mentioned how our Creator is our Husband. If you've forgotten or just didn't read my first blog, let me refresh your memory:
"For your Maker is your husband-- the Lord Almighty is His name..." -Isaiah 54:4
Well, when you get married to someone, you make many commitments. To love each other until death, through sickness and health, rich or poor... But mainly you make one giant commitment: What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine. I know some couples like to joke around with that and such, but take it seriously for a moment. God is our husband. What's His is ours and what's ours is His. Let's add our hearts into the equation.
God has given us His heart. His beautiful, strong heart, and He hopes to have ours in return. (If you claim to be married to God, I hope He does!) But here's the thing... When we choose to speak of the world and not from the heart... We choose to silence God's part of our heart too. Doesn't that stink! You never realize how bad it is to speak like the world until you realize you're "shushing" God and telling Him that He'll get His time to shine later... If He's lucky.
Why do we do this? Why do we silence our Husband, our Father, OUR CREATOR? It all boils down to one thing: Acceptance. The world didn't like Christ, Son of God, so why would they want to hear about Him? They don't! Don't believe me? Listen to this little whit of information:
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first."  -John 15:18
They hated Him. They hated Him because He poured out God's heart! He let His mouth become one with His heart, and He spoke. Jesus was bold. You're probably thinking, "Yeah, but He was sinless. Perfect!" Yeah, He was.. And He still died just like we will. What makes Him bold is speaking God's heart even when He knew the world would hate Him.
God knows your heart. It's His to hold! He made it, formed it.. He knew every trial it'd go through, and He is attuned to its heart beat.
"God, who knows the heart, showed that He accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them..." -Acts 15:8 
Be bold. Speak from your heart... No, speak from God's heart.
Ever feel alone? Be bold, speak up. Ever feel hurt? Be bold, speak up. Ever just wonder about life? Be bold, speak up. Ever have anything on your heart? Be bold, speak up.
"So that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." -Romans 15:6.

"Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid..."
-Pretty Little Liars.

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