Monday, January 23, 2012

Is it too late for the White horse?

"When I was a little girl I used to read fairy tales. In fairy tales you meet Prince Charming and he's everything you ever wanted. In fairy tales the bad guy is very easy to spot. The bad guy is always wearing a black cape so you always know who he is. Then you grow up and you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he's not easy to spot; he's really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair." -Taylor Swift. 
Every teenage girl has believed the same thing that Taylor believed when she was little. That there's a Prince Charming and he'll come on a white horse. He will be everything you want and he'll just be everything. End of story. Happy ending. All that. As we have grown up though, we have slowly out grown our glass slippers and let go of the fantasies we dreamed would be our reality. We have learned to "settle". We assume that every fairytale writer had a very good imagination but in the end, they had it wrong.
What if that's not the case, though? What if, just what if, we're the ones that had it wrong. Maybe, just maybe, we're not meant to be looking for Prince Charming in stores or at school... Maybe we're supposed to be looking for him somewhere else. In our hearts.
Crazy, I know. But just think. What are the characteristics of the normal "Prince Charming"?
  • He rescues the damsel in distress. 
  • He plunges himself into evil's wrath to save his love.
  • He is reliable. 
  • He is strong. 
  • He is understanding.
  • He seems to be dream-like. 
  • He will love you unending. 
  • He comes with a happy ending.
Every person is or has been the damsel in distress. (Even boys... there is probably another word for it, but it's whatevs.) We have all needed that saving grace... that heroic figure to step in. We have all need that salvation... We have all needed and still need Jesus. He laid down His life because He knew we would need to rely on Him and He was strong enough to take the weight of our burdens. He was understanding, and such love like this, that He'd lay down His life, was dream-like. It didn't end there, though. His love is so unending, that when we sin and fail Him over and over again, when we cheat on our Husband (Yes, Jesus is our Husband, Groom-- I'll get into that later.) He slips our wedding dress back on. And no matter what, no matter how much we play Maleficent (Evil Step mother from Sleeping Beauty), He still holds out His nail scarred hands and leads us to our happy ending with Him. Jesus is our Prince Charming. He won't cheat on us; He will be faithful and true; and He comes on a white horse. Don't believe me? Let's turn to the Bible, shall we?

"I saw Heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True." -Revelation 19:11

We fail, we break commandments, we sin... But here's a little thing that will shock you the most:: No matter what, when we confess our sins to our Husband (Jesus), He slips our white wedding dresses over our heads and just lets His love pour on us as He admires His newly pure bride. How shocking is that?! Jesus doesn't want "a break", or divorce, and He sure doesn't want time away from us. Truth is: He wants the opposite! He wants a break from the break, He wants to remarry us, and every second He wants to spend with us! That shocks me that this perfect, selfless Man wants to spend time with this crazy, worldly, screw up! Don't believe you're a bride before a fiance or a girlfriend or that you're even a wife? Let's turn to the many examples of scripture again.

"I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ."
-2 Corinthians 11:2
"The bride belongs to the Bridegroom..." -John 3:29a

Proof! We are brides meant for Christ. We are His amazing, beautiful brides! Corina and I always had this inside joke that really isn't a joke.. "Always keep on your wedding dress." That seems like a weird saying, but think about it: If you're having a hard day or just a tough time, just vent to your Husband! He'll see you in your wedding dress and think of you no differently then He did on your wedding day. He'll be understanding. He'll be open. The Lord who made the stars, the sun, and even you...He'll be Prince Charming on His white horse. 
"For your Maker is your husband-- the Lord Almighty is His name..." -Isaiah 54:5